Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas bliss <3

A sweet tip as a christmas present for you people!


How to have a blissful christmas

1. Prepare tasty cookies and milk (personally preferred cold)
2. Place it under your Christmas tree.
3. Play happy Christmas Carol.
3. Hide yourself at somewhere where you can see the cookies and milk.
4. Wait for Santa to appear.
5. SABOTAGE Santa once he appears!!! >:D

* If Santa happens to forget to pay you a visit, just call up some friends and finish the cookies and milk and sing along with the christmas carol.


I still think its very cute that Santa easily falls for this simple milk and cookie trap.

Don't you think the simpler things get the more blissful it feels????

Merry Christmas people!! :D


Heidi said...

hahaha. good plan. xD

Merry Christmas to you too. :)

Princess :) said...

Heheheheheheheheheh merry xmas to you too heidi! ^3^