The most basic korean that we all know.
Which means hi. :D
And this is the third day we are in the land of Pusan. And i am awfully in love of the current weather here, even its chilling, but yeah i love it :> The seniors here said that now is the time of the changing season (from spring to summer) thats why the weather is very cold now. After 1 week or so, then its gonna be summer, which is going to be like malaysia's weather : | Bummer.
Well last few days the seniors showed us the town around our campus, and i must say, i am feeling one of a kind.Our DongSeo University is located on the hill so everything is like sloppy here. The roads, the shop lots, everything is slanted. And we heard that the all the girls here have very strong muscular legs : |which doesn't sound like a sweet thing to me.
There are many students and teenagers walking on the small sloppy roads, and its nice to see them dressed up casually(but nice) walking and talking loudly to their friends. Yes they talk loud. And no one cares actually.
And the shops here, out of 10 shops 8 of them are restaurants. And I've asked the senior are all the restaurant serving the same food, and she said they are more likely the same. Some might have some specialty but still, its almost the same. So I guess the Koreans here they need a lot of food to give them energy to walk sloppy hilly roads?
Oh and talk about food, they are served in BIG PORTION(doesn't apply to the photo shown). Well its big to me at least. And korean food must be spicy and sour. Spicy is fine to me but sour... not everything will taste good in sour you see. I guess my taste buds will take some time to get used to the food here.
What else that I find it interesting in korea so far??
The Tesco here, is seriously nice to shop.
Yes you see it right. They have Tesco here. The housewives favourite place. The blue and red mall. And we girls spent almost 4 hours there. And 2 hours from that were spent on choosing cute stickers. YES cute pretty stickers even in Tesco. Can you imagine how cute the stickers will be in those high fashion shopping district outside Pusan!?
Just think of all the pretty things we are going to find out later just makes me high.
So what I've got for myself today??
A cute classic mickey mouse schedule book.
New blog
Good mood
Oh yeah :)
And 1st day of work tomorrow! :-S
Kay I reserve the stickers! Thank you you're welcomed! =D
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